Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas at home

Beth and I spent late Christmas Eve playing Santa while the kids slept. There were some last minute decisions to make. It turned out that the box supposedly containing two remote control cars only had one. This threw the balance of gifts off and required some relabelling just to make sure our kids' inner accountants were not alarmed needlessly. Sugar looked on; he's a Christmas rookie.

Tess wrote a little note to leave along with the cookies and milk and cranberries. We faithfully ate them up before turning in.

Not surprisingly both of them were at the tree bright (figuratively speaking) and early. During a lull after opening their gifts, Tess looked out the window and observed, "It's still night time!" Indeed.

With one glaring exception, everyone was thrilled with all of their gifts. I was so shocked by this hat that I couldn't muster a credible note of enthusiasm when I said, "Great!"
It's going back, needless to say.

Tess and Colm got a lot of Legos (car, house, and airport) which promises to keep me and Beth occupied right along with the kids. Colm's favorite has to be his remote control car. It would be difficult to overstate his pleasure/obsession with this toy.

Here are the cool shields Beth made for them ( I cut the wood.). Beth really outdid herself this time. Tess and Colm haven't seen them yet as the swords are still in pipeline and scheduled for unveiling on New Year's Eve.

Good day...we went sledding in the afternoon. Sugar walked the whole way to sledding hill and back. Strange cat that one. Refuses to be left behind, but will only parallel us from a few yards off, slipping under parked cars and behind shrubs, almost like he's stalking us. He seems to hate wide open spaces, like intersections. If a dog barks at him he freezes for a few seconds, no matter where he is. Meanwhile cars go by and he barely pays them any mind; it's a bit nerve wracking walking with him. When we got home he collapsed on a good book.
Sugar's a rookie no more.


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