Friday, May 08, 2009

Who votes? Who cares? School Board elections

La Grande school board elections are in the home stretch. There appears to be a well organized and funded sign campaign in support of a couple of candidates, John Sprenger and Mike Berglund. Not much visible signage for any of the other candidates. For what it's worth, I'll be voting for Mark Gomez, Rebecca Hartman, and Jason Peterson.

Each one of these three candidates risked answering the question when asked by the local paper about the controversy surrounding the play, Picasso at the Lapin Agile. All the other candidates fell back into policy doublespeak or pleaded ignorance.

I'd like to think that we'll see an independent streak from voters this time around, but I suspect that apathy will lose out to an energized and organized bloc of voters who want their schools four square and their art squarely inside the box.

Go ahead, La Grande, prove me wrong!


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