Wednesday, July 04, 2007

the French

(Note to visitors - this post was updated on July 10, 2007)
What's wrong with this photo? Nothing really if you're looking for something in the postcard genre...but while this year has been full of postcard moments, and while I have dutifully recorded a great many of them, it's important to remember that a year like the one we're wrapping up is ultimately about people.

Here's a gallery of images which taken together offers a collective portrait of the people we encountered in southwest France this year. Some of these people are now friends, some remain perfect strangers, and, alas some dear people inexplicably escaped my camera altogether. They are locked in our hearts forever however. (click on images for a larger view)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bonjour monsieur !
C'est victoria (seconde LV2 du lycée d'andernos) j'ai adorais cette année d'anglais avec vous. Vous nous avez appris pleins de belles choses au travers de vos chansons, vos histoires et vos cours. J'espère que vous reviendrez nous voir :)

ps : vive jack jonhson :D

6:00 AM  

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