When Colm crashed, I was about twenty feet away.
Colm's soccer games are another setting where the zoom comes in handy.
Which brings me to downside of my new camera. It is something that took me completely by surprise. I can't move my video images taken in HD format to my laptop. It won't read it. As for the photos, I have to drag them manually to my laptop and it takes so long that it exhausts the battery. Bottom line: I need a computer with USB 2.0 ports to accessorize my camera. When I told the Panasonic support guy on the phone and told him that my laptop, an HP Pavillion, was purchased in 2002, he paused as if incredulous. This summer has seen our VW Westfalia become disabled and seriously out of commision and now our laptop appears to be joining the ranks of the obsolete and nonfunctional things that we own.
Beth and I are going to let the budgetary ramifications of all this percolate for awhile. Meanwhile my happy go lucky photo blogging days have become circumscribed by a technological fence that isn't insurmountable but which is discouraging nonetheless.
I've put a few more photos from the new camera on my photo blog K Sees Stuff (KC's stuff) if you want to see 'em click here.
We're headed to the San Juans in a couple of days. Won't be blogging till we get back. Peace.
Yay Dad, you're back! Wish I could come see you guys this summer, but the photos definately help me feel like I know a bit about what's going on. Much love and many many hugs to all of you! ♥Erin
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