Spring Break
This photo captured a sunny interval. We spotted the dark backs of whales in the distance a short time after this pic was taken.
We spent the last couple of days in Portland. Spring blossoms are plentiful there. Some more
Let her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter?
Shakespeare's original:
"the bawdy hand of the dial is now upon the prick of noon” – Mercutio, Act II, Scene 4, line 61
Bowdler's Family Shakespeare:
"the hand of the dial is now upon the point of noon"
That's a line that was actually recited by a student actor upon the La Grande High School stage about three years ago when we did "Romeo and Juliet". Funny, nobody said anything then.The committee is being formed in response to the controversy involving the LHS student play “Picasso at the Lapin Agile.’’
Glaze said it would have been easier to avert the controversy if the district had had a specific policy addressing the selection and approval of student plays.
Checks to help with the LHS student production of Picasso at the Lapin Agile at EOU should be made out to EOU Democrats and mailed to Linda Jerofke, Eastern Oregon University, 1 University Blvd., Ackerman Hall, La Grande 97850.
People sending checks should write if they want the check to cover production costs or go to the EOU Democrats scholarship fund for thespians. Donations to the scholarship fund are tax deductible.
People who have questions about making donations can e-mail Jerofke at ljerofke@eou.edu or call her at 541-962-3179.
I'll post some more specific info about production budget and needs in a few days.
hope that helps
We know what "Vice" is and how ugly and frightful it's consequences are. You and I have been taught that when we become too familiar with "Vice", it becomes easy to "endure, pity, and embrace."Indeed. First we endure censorship, excusing it even as we perhaps regret our own practices, all the while rationalizing that we only do it for the good of those less discerning than ourselves. In the end, however, we drop all pretense of openness and we cozy up to the the uncontroversial, the utterly banal and predictable, and we amuse ourselves to death whilst we ignore the clamorous voices outside the confines of our gated consciousness.